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Why Should You Attend Fairmount Elementary?

At Fairmount, we have a rich academic and arts tradition. We can provide this learning environment to our students because of our amazingly talented and experienced staff and our strong family partnerships. Our staff believes we all share responsibility for each one of our students. As such, we work together in Professional Learning Communities to ensure the growth of all students at each grade level. 

We value partnering with parents to meet our students’ educational and social/emotional needs. Every day we welcome and appreciate our parent volunteers in our school working with students and supporting their learning. Our PTA financially supports students by purchasing educational materials and technology tools as well as garden and playground equipment. In addition, our PTA sponsors a myriad of extra-curricular activities that further enrich our students by engaging them in different kinds of learning.

As part of our positive behavior system, we teach our students to S.O.A.R. Our acronym stands for Safety, Ownership, Acceptance and Respect. We strive for all of our students to grow into responsible young adults, who are ready to excel and contribute in middle school and beyond.

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